Friday, December 24, 2010

Have a joyful Christmas, peeps!

  To all my Christian friends, Merry Christmas to you! I don't celebrate it as I am a Muslim, but I always look forward to Christmas every year. It's when they have good deals for year end sales, it's when you see buildings, mostly shopping malls and hotels are adorned with colorful decorations in spirit of Christmas. It's when your work place held gift exchange parties and it's also when you get to meet your long lost friends and relatives. 

  I remember when I was small, I used to tell my father on the first day of Eid to not give me 'duit raya' or 'angpau' (money in the small packet). You see, it's a decades kind of tradition for Malay Muslim adults to giveaway duit raya to younger ones, especially to babies, toddlers and those who are in schooling ages. I told him why not we exchange gifts instead? 

  I found it thrilling to receive nicely wrapped gifts with colorful ribbons on top. It doesn't matter if the gifts are dirt cheap, it's the thought that counts. You know, the joy of giving and receiving, it warms my heart. And have you ever seen a child's eyes when he/she receives a gift? They are just brimming with happiness. 

 Talking about the joy of giving, I found it annoying if people keep on questioning a beggar or charitable organization. When you give, give generously and as willingly as you want. If they are cheaters, it's between them and God. When a beggar asks for some change, just give at least RM1. You don't have to ask why they are there, where they live, who sent them, yadayadayada... If you are asking because you care and you want to give more, it's okay. But if you are asking because of your bossiness and wanna be cruel, that's just mean okay. It's their fate and misfortune they beg for money. Give some change and pray for their prosperity and pray that you won't end up like them, because life my friends, is like a wheel. One day you have a blissful life, another day it's a wrecking hell. And believe in karma too, what goes around comes around.

  Here's an FB post, just to ruin your Christmas mood ;) Credit to Lamebook for the hilarious FB posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho Ho!